Disruptors and The Red Flags

Ankesh Saha
2 min readJan 8, 2023


Have You read about the Red Flag Act? When mechanically propelled vehicles (Cars) were first introduced in mid-19th century, it faced huge resistance from horse cart pullers and their union. They argued that it will destroys the livelihood of cart owners and drivers. In addition to that it will lead to massive accident of the road. The protest and lobbying were so fierce that British Government introduced Locomotives on Highways Act 1861 (Red Flag Act), as per the act the highest speed that was allowed in the county was 4 mph (6.4 km/h) and 2 mph (3.2 km/h) in cities. To keep a check, A man was supposed to move ahead of the automobile vehicle with a red flag to keep the speed in check. It sounds ridiculous today, how can human be so short sighted and stupid?

It was a turf war between the old establishment and the disruptor. Establishment did all they could to resist the idea but eventually they lost to the disruptor whose time had come.

It has not been different at any stage of our evolution; all disruptive ideas have faced massive resistance. Any idea or technology which leads to an exponential disruption instead of incremental changes will be opposed fiercely. Whether it was opposition to entry of computers by the communists in the 60s and 70s or current fear mongering that AI will take your Job or opposition to digital currency. Technology do render some past practices redundant but eventually the benefits and progress outweigh any lost opportunity. It’s survival of the fittest, those who will adapt to change will evolve, those who can’t will be left behind and studied as fossils.

Those who are capable of adapting faster will stay relevant and lead the change.

